
Expand your knowledge

As a physician, you are the clinical expert in your field of specialty. You know what the standard of care is; however, that alone is not enough to practice optimally in a modern healthcare environment. There is a vast amount of medical literature and varying practice patterns that needed to be considered. It is important to know and to learn about legal literature to ensure that what is perceived as the standard of care is indeed what should be validated. It is equally important to contribute to the medical legal base.


Why it matters…


Many workers in medicine, healthcare administration, science, and medical technology, no matter how strong their academic degrees or how distinguished their careers, find themselves baffled, frustrated, and even angered by their encounters with the law. Some of those occasions may lead to the need for a lawyer. But many of the bafflements and frustrations arise from ignorance about what the law is, including how it operates.

Over more than a half century of inquiry into the relations between law and medicine, and through numerous conversations with physicians, scientists, and healthcare professionals whose work has strong ties to legal aspect, I came to realization that they often desire more knowledge about the operations of the law and the legal system. This source seeks to provide a in-depth knowledge about the law in realms where these professionals often encounter it, primarily in areas where activities pose risks of patients harm.

This forum discusses all types of health laws: from position of physician or patient itself.. Principal practical applications of this knowledge lie in ways to minimize risk, both in the primary sense and in efforts to avoid any harm to both sides, and in how to present arguments about policy to government officials who write laws and regulations. By having an open disscusion and through sharing stories significant progress can be achieved.